From Bell-Ringing to Leaf-Blowing!

How has it already been eight weeks since we lowered the cabin flaps, deflated the lone swim-lake tube, and cleared out the last box of salty snacks?! Other than a few furry four-legged barn animals, Jasper and Dahlia, the final members to leave the camp community for the season were nurses Mary and Denise. They … Continued

Activity Spotlight-Faith and Fellowship

One of the greatest reminders of the value of camp is hearing from families, former campers, and staff members about the ways camp continues to bring joy into their everyday life.  We often receive hand-written notes, photos, or Christmas cards expressing gratitude for camp and the values gained as a result of this greater community. … Continued

A Great Big Welcome to Our July and Mini 1 Campers!

Camp just doesn’t feel right without campers…even for the day that we take to regroup between sessions. We said goodbye to a terrific group of three-weekers on Friday, and counselors had yesterday to explore the area, sleep…some of them to move into new cabins. We welcomed a new crew of Junior Counselors and a few … Continued