The Cabin is a Family

opening day cabin picture

Cabin life is a big part of the Camp Illahee experience.  We like to think of the cabin group as a “family at camp.”  When a camper arrives on opening day, Kris greets her at the gate with her cabin assignment. Girls are often full of emotion as they hop out of their car to … Continued

A Great Day for Cabin Groups

By day three of  camp, cabin groups start to feel like family.   This morning Gordon and I started the day with our heads of hill and leadership team at 7:30 where we catch a more detailed pulse of cabin life.  Resoundingly, the report from each hill’s leader was that “these girls love camp!”  Activities … Continued

Not So Hot!

Usually in the South, when it’s hot…it’s thick. Yucky, sweaty thick. Humidity…or as the big tackle for the short-lived Memphis Showboats of the USFL said back in 1984 after a particularly hot and hard practice, “this humility’s killing me.” 🙂 As I predicted,the weather folks fell far short of the the predicted 97 degrees. It … Continued