Time is a funny thing. There are days in this job that feel like an eternity: Days where the activity periods trudge by slower than our 15-year-old lab Liza moves across camp. Yet some weeks fly by quicker than you can say, “Magdalena Hagdelena.” Somehow this paradoxical movement of time happens simultaneously. Three months ago, … Continued

The Threshold of Camp

Two weeks went by fast. Today was no different. I blinked and it was lunch. We held normal activities in the morning as girls completed projects and checked off a few last tasks. A few campers came up to me proud as can be showing off their green swim band since they passed out of … Continued

Rainbow Gift!

After a short hiatus on the blog, it’s nice to be back writing about the day. We’ve mentioned this before, but the chance to sit down and reflect can be a rare occurence around here and writing about the highlights helps me think through the day’s happenings with intention. The last few days have “filled … Continued

Adventure Trips and Lifelong Learning

Tonight we have another guest blogger: Our very own Lee Timmons. Lee was a camper at Illahee and now runs our adventure program alongside her husband Jono. Apologies for getting the blog up the morning after rather than last night. We had an awesome time dancing with Falling Creek and it was a late night, … Continued

Taking in Our Surroundings

I remember last summer one of my favorite emails I got was from a dad from Atlanta writing in to “please remind my daughter to look up at the starry night sky while she is at camp”. Growing up in the bustling metropolis Atlanta, there aren’t always opportunities to see the night sky. Not only … Continued

The Child is In Me Still

We started today with one of my favorite camp traditions started by Laurie and Gordon: Counselor Bible Study in Pinecrest. Nearly 40 counselors piled into our living room at 6:45 am for fresh coffee, hot cinnamon rolls, and fellowship. We pride ourselves at Illahee in having the best counselors. I know we have the best … Continued

Instructions for Living Life

I sat at the Final Night campfire tonight under the canopy of a centuries-old white pine (Dohivi Noche) astonished. I am astonished at the strangeness of camp, and I don’t know if our campers and counselors realize fully just how strange it is. I say the word “strange” not in a bad way which has … Continued

Leave (Some) Trace

Last week I taught the Sparks during their “Campfire 101” class the seven principles of Leave No Trace. We discussed the importance of leaving places in which we go with as little impact as possible. These places could be the pristine wilderness of Linville Gorge, a far-off national park like Zion or Glacier, or even … Continued

Girls Can Do Anything

Can you remember when you learned how to operate a drill press safely? How about cornering a berm on a mountain bike? Or when you first learned how to belay or even hammer in a nail? I can’t recall the exact day when I developed these skills, but I know that I wasn’t as young … Continued


Opening day is LONGGGG day. It begins before most of us are awake with last minute leaf blowing, sweeping, and cabin decorating in the wee hours of the morning. It concludes, in what seems like many days later, with a closing campfire full of songs, silly skits, and camaraderie as we watch the sun set … Continued