Sundays at Camp!

Sunday is my favorite day of the week, year round. It is the one day that I try to keep low key…one of the challenges of loving what I do, and living where I work…is leaving it behind occasionally during the off-season. I love to work outside…”piddling” I call it. If a tractor needs work, … Continued

Sunday, Sunday…so good to me.

I do know that the Mamas and Papas were singing about Mondays, but today fulfilled my fantasy of what an Illahee Sunday should be. I’ve been whining the last couple of Sundays because we pack so much into each morning…cabin photos…individual portraits…a big Sunday lunch, and a special event afterwards. Then, there’s the cook-out and … Continued

Certainly No Slower!

I have written before about how Sundays at camp …Despite knowing what the pace will bring, I still have these fantasies of sleeping late (no matter that it has been years since I have slept past 7:00 am), reading a newspaper, maybe catching a few minutes of CBS Sunday Morning, sipping cups of coffee. Well, … Continued