A bit of Nostalgia…

I am usually the one to wrap up the updates on the final night of the session. It’s particularly nostalgic on the last night of the summer. Tomorrow, we close a great session for a really fun group of GREAT girls, and camp also gets really quiet until we all meet again in 2023 in … Continued

So Much Joy!

Junior Camp is a grand finale to a great summer! After 30 years of camp directing, I feel a little like Peter Pan with the lost boys…I won’t grow up. Living life surrounded by childhood is a gift filled with optimism and wonder. Our college aged counselors are anticipating their careers and a life that … Continued

Ain’t No Mountain High Enough!

Diana Ross’s voice serenaded us bright and early across the hills at Hannah Ford Farm this morning- nothing like waking up to “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough!” Last night Pineview had their hill-wide overnight four miles down the road from camp, at our farm outpost. If I’m being honest, there is usually some hesitation surrounding … Continued