Farewell to a Great Summer!

A return to normalcy. That’s what this summer was. Our nurses and doctors joined trips to Sliding Rock, and were often out and about watching all of the fun and action we get to see as directors every day. Our stockpile of Covid tests are gathering dust in the corner of one of our bedrooms…not … Continued

Junior Camp Groove

It’s been a terrific Tuesday at Illahee. The Junior campers are settled looking more confident as they travel from activity to activity around camp. The Junior session sounds different. This afternoon, from my office, I could hear the joyful sound of girls coming from the Busy Bee and the weaving hut, up the hill from … Continued

May it Last

The camp that I attended growing up culminated in a two-week session for the oldest campers. Two weeks of joy, laughter, and all things camp. It felt like the perfect amount of time. For that reason and many others, this August session has really resonated with me. These girls have been all in. They love … Continued