Merry Christmas to All…

The good news is that our day recovered nicely after a pretty wet start. Whereas yesterday was misty and overcast, today, it flat out was raining through the morning…not a downpour that can deliver inches in an hour, but steady enough that I put my hood up on my parka when I was walking around … Continued

Wow…this is kind of nice!

The monsoons came today, and I’m about to call “uncle.” It’s not that it’s even interfering with activities that much, but the short spells that they are coming, it is POURING! Our poor maintenance crew fixed one of our lingering problem spots 3 times today. The steps across from the office leads up to weaving … Continued

Activities Abound!

Our kayakers didn’t need to leave camp today! They could have launched their boats at the top of the steps across from the office about 2:30 and ridden the deluge all the way down the driveway! We got an inch of rain in about half an hour! Luckily, by a little after rest hour (we … Continued